Saturday, 10 December 2011


Was this just merciless genocide?
Not an easy question to address! However, below are some important points to consider (for more info on the first four points click here):
  • God isn't xenophobic! (e.g. Gen. 12; Ex. 12:38, 48; Num. 12)
  • Canaanite religion was more toxic than its armies (e.g. Judges 2:11-15 and see Drane 81) 
  • Israel wasn't as ruthless as the surrounding nations (Instone-Brewer 66)
  • They didn't drive everyone out
  • The Elephant in the Room! (click here)
Most importantly, as Andrew Wilson notes: "Modern Christians do not, on the whole, cleanse their houses from mildew as prescribed in Leviticus, and nor do they attempt to overthrow ancient cities by blowing trumpets as ordered in Judges - and this is not because they do not respect the scriptures, but because they do. The fact that the Bible tells a sweeping story, not all parts of which are applicable in the same way, means that the conquest narratives provide no basis at all for modern acts of (religious) violence." (see Get a Grip 34-35).

NB. Within all of this the story of Rahab is an interesting one! Francine-Rivers brilliantly re-tells Rahab's story in her book "Lineage of Grace" - it's the chapter called "Unashamed."

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