Not a very large door, but nevertheless a door.
A sad, squeaky sort of voice.
And eventually Mr Miserable did something that he'd never done in the whole of his life."
The End.
Stories are difficult to follow when we just pick a few bits out from the whole. To fully appreciate the excellence of this story you really need to read it from start to finish!!!
The Bible is different from the story of Mr Happy! Because it is inspired by God's Spirit, we can just read small sections at a time and hear from God. However, despite the huge variance of styles, authors and time periods found in the Bible, it does - like the story of Mr Happy - consist of an overarching story. Becoming familiar with this story helps us understand the smaller parts we read!
To help us grasp this story better, OH is going to be running a Bible Overview course starting October 17th. The dates and times are as follows:
The cost for the course is £20 waged/£10 unwaged.
If you'd like to attend, please email Helen - or speak to Lizzie, Jez, Ness or Helen to find out more!